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Frequently Asked Questions

Reports can be picked up at the Sheriff's Office Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or you can mail a request to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, 1360 Walnut, Oskaloosa, Kansas 66066, or you may email a request to

Offense Reports: $3.00 (up to 10 pages and an additional $0.25 per for additional pages. Accident Report: $3.00

A Charge of $20.00 an hour may be assessed for the cost of an employee recovering, researching, compiling & copying information. A minimum of 1 hour will be assessed for reasonable time spent by an employee in completing a request.

Applications can be picked up and filled out at the Sheriff's Office in the county of your residence or filled out and printed off of the website of the Kansas Attorney General.

You will need to have a completed CCH License application, a "2 x 2" frontal view (head and shoulders, no sunglasses or hats) a color photograph taken within the preceding 30 days, a photocopy of the certificate signed by an AG approved instructor, one cashier's check or money order for $32.50 payable to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office. ALL FEES SUBMITTED ARE NONREFUNDABLE. The Sheriff will take a copy of your driver's license or ID card, take your fingerprints and mail the application packet to the AG.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office will process Conceal and Carry Application every Tuesday and Wednesday of the month from 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to 3:00pm.

More information about the Concealed Carry Handgun Registration process can be obtained on the Kansas Attorney General's Office website:


This is an attempt to answer general questions that are presented to the Sheriff's Office and should not be confused as legal advice.  There is a $15.00 fee to have Foreclosure paperwork served.

Q:  Where can I get the addresses for the foreclosed homes?
A:  There are two places that you may be able to obtain the address. 1 - The Clerk of the District Court maintains the court file. You will need the case number to look up the court file. The court file contains the legal documents that have been filed with the particular case. The petition in the court file may have a street address that is listed in association with the legal description. 2 - The Department of Records and Tax Administration should be able to provide a street address for the tax payer (defendant). You will need to provide the homeowner's name (defendant) of the legal description. Specify that you need the address of the property, not the mailing address. Often they have a mailing address for the tax payer that is not the address of the property.

Q:  Can I get into the property to see the condition of the house or building?
A:  NO. You have no legal access to the property. The homeowner still has legal possession of the property. The property is sold "as is" with no implied or expressed warranty.

Q:  Is there an opening amount set before the bidding starts?
A:  The attorney for the plaintiff (usually the lending institution) will make the first bid amount for the property, then the bidding is open to the public. The property is sold to the highest bidder.

Q:  If I am the successful bidder, how do I need to pay for the property?
A:  The property is advertised and sold as cash in hand at the time of the sale. Cash is defined as: cash, certified checks or money orders. The certified check or money order is made payable to the Jefferson County District Court. It is possible to contact the attorney that filed for the sale to arrange to have the money delivered to the Jefferson County District Court no later than 3:00 PM on the date of the sale.

Q:  What are redemption rights?
A:  In every case the Judge sets a redemption period in accordance to state statutes. Most redemption periods are three to twelve months depending on how much is still owed on the loan.  The redemption period allows the defendant to exercise their redemption rights. The redemption rights allow the defendant to pay off the bid amount and any associated cost thereby they retain possession of the property. During the redemption period you have no legal right of access to the property and the defendant can still reside and maintain possession of the property.

Q: When and where are the Sheriff's sales held?
A:  Sales are held on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM at the front doors to the Jefferson County Court House. The front doors are located on the south side of the court house.

Q:  What happens at the Sheriff's sale?
A:  The sale begins at 10:00 AM sharp. The case number, plaintiffs name and defendants name will be read. The plaintiff (usually a bank) will have a representative there to place the opening bid. After the plaintiff's bid, all others present may enter their bid. If you are the winning bidder, you will need cash or a certified bank check for the bid amount. The Sheriff's Office will not provide "change" for any transaction. The certified check or cash for over the amount will be held until noon so that you can submit the correct amount to the Jefferson County District Court.

Q:  What happens after the sale?
A:  If you are the winning bidder, your money will be taken to the Clerk of the District Court. Most properties have a redemption period of 3 to 12 months after the sale. This means that the defendant may make arrangements to keep the property. During the redemption period you have no legal right to access the property and the defendant can still reside and maintain possession of the property.

If the property is redeemed you will need to contact the plaintiff's attorney so that the funds can be disbursed back to you.

If the property is not redeemed, you will need to be in contact with the plaintiff's attorney so that the return of sale, certificate of purchase and sheriff's deed are completed and submitted to the Sheriff's Office. Once you have the deed you can take over the property and make arrangements for an eviction if needed.


This sale is advertised and sold as a cash in hand sale. If you do not have the cash in hand you need to make prior arrangements with the Attorney to have the funds in the Jefferson County District Court by 3:00 PM on the date of the sale.

Cash is defined as: Cash or Certified Funds payable to the Jefferson County District Court.

Vehicle Inspections (VINS) 

Vehicle Inspections (VINS) need to be completed on any vehicle with an Out-Of-State Title that you want to register in the State of Kansas.

We cannot accept OPEN TITLES for VIN Inspections.  Titles must be properly assigned according to that state's requirements before an inspection will be granted.

We cannot do VIN Inspections on vehicles with:

Non-Highway Titles

  • Salvage Titles
  • Rebuilt Salvage Titles
  • Non-Repairable Certificates
  • Non-Negotiable Titles
  • Lien Affidavits
  • Court Orders

Anyone with this type of documentation must contact the Kansas Highway Patrol, 785-296-3102, for inspections.

VIN Inspections are done at the Sheriff's Office, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

You will need to bring:

  • Vehicle needing inspected
  • Original Title - if the lien holder has the title, you will need to have them fax a copy of the front and back of the title to us, 785-863-2993.  The inspection CANNOT be completed without the original title or a faxed copy of the front and back.
  • Valid Driver's License
  • $20.00 CASH - we DO NOT accept personal checks for VINS

If you have a camper, stock trailer, a vehicle that is not running, or something that you are not able to drive to our location, we can, at our convenience, come to wherever the vehicle is located to do the inspection.    Call 785-863-2765 to arrange.

Civil Papers are NOT warrants and do not require an arrest. They are official court documents notifying persons of civil action being taken by one party against another. The document usually requires the person being served to take some type of action or answer to the courts regarding a specific matter within a given time frame.

In-state fees are 15.00 per address of service and Out-of-State fees are $35.00 per defendant or person that is to be served. Please provide a self addressed stamped envelope for return of service and a check or money order for the fees.


Conceal Carry and other fingerprints will be conducted on Tuesday & Wednesday from 9:00am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to 3:00pm.

Registered Offenders will be conducted on Wednesday from 9:00am to 12:00pm  and 1:00pm to 3:00pm.  

The Sheriff receives the delinquent tax notices from the Treasurer's office the middle of March for collection during the six months of April 1st through October 1st of each calendar year. The Sheriff's Office makes a demand for money to satisfy the delinquent tax. All monies should be paid directly to the Treasurer's Office for the satisfaction of the account.

The relationship between a landlord and his/her tenant is one of a personal & civil nature. As such, the Sheriff's Office cannot intervene or decide these disputes. If the parties involved cannot reach an agreement, they will have to take their case to court. They may do this by contacting an attorney, or in some cases, they may file a case with the Clerk of the District Court. For additional information concerning the landlord/tenant relationships, please visit

The Sheriff's Office serves court orders for the removal of persons from a residence or other place so that the property may be restored to another. These orders are called Writs of Restitution and they are usually issued as the last step in a legal action by a landlord to take possession of property such as an apartment, duplex or house.

The eviction process normally begins when the landlord provides tenants with a letter called a "Notice To Vacate". If the tenants do not comply with the landlord's demands after three (3) days, legal action may be initiated by the landlord in District Court. The Clerk of the District Court will issue a Summons and Petition that will require the tenants to appear in court on designated dates so that a judge may decide whether to order an eviction of the tenants. For more information on the eviction process, contact the Clerk of the District Court at 785-863-2461.

The Sheriff's Office occasionally gets requests for a deputy to accompany someone to a residence to retrieve or recover personal property. We will generally try to assist people at the time they call or come in, if the property exchange or retrieval can be handled in 30 minutes or less. The sole purpose of a deputy's presence is to KEEP THE PEACE. Any property over which ownership is in dispute should be handled in the courts.

You can get a Protection from Abuse Order or Protection from Stalking Order from the Jefferson County District Court. Kansas law sets out certain requirements to obtain a PFA/Stalking Order that must be satisfied before a Judge will issue such a Court Order. This type of Court Order is usually issued in cases of domestic violence where one partner desires protection from another person. A Protection From Abuse Order or Protection From Stalking Order issued by the court may direct a specific person to be restrained from contacting another, to not engage in certain acts, and to be removed from a residence or a place of employment. These court orders are usually served by Deputy Sheriffs who have the legal authority to enforce the provisions of the order. PFA/Stalking Orders are issued with a court date that provides the parties with an opportunity to present testimony in a courtroom setting.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office can provide information deemed public by the Kansas Open Records Act. However, the Sheriff's Office is prohibited by law from running a criminal history background for you by utilizing the National Crime Information Center. Residents can obtain a more thorough, statewide background check by visiting the Kansas Bureau of Investigation website

Missing/Runaway Juveniles: The parent or guardian of any juvenile (under 18 years of age) may file a missing person-runaway juvenile report at any time. These reports will be immediately entered into the NCIC law enforcement database, which would serve to alert any officer from any jurisdiction having contact with the juvenile that he or she is listed as missing or a runaway. Deputies will also follow-up on any leads provided by the parent or guardian as to the possible location of the juvenile.

Missing Adults: Any person eighteen (18) years of age or older is considered to be an adult with full liberty to move about as they choose, with the exception of persons 18 years of age or older who remain under the legal guardianship of another adult or protective services. Deputies will take reports of missing adults at any time. The extent of any follow-up will depend upon the circumstances of the disappearance. For example, if evidence indicates that the missing person was endangered or may have been forcibly abducted, deputies would immediately begin following up on leads. If the missing person simply has not been seen recently, but no evidence of foul play was found to exist, then our options and responsibilities in those cases may be limited under the law. See the link for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children for additional information.

The Sheriff's Office frequently receives requests to perform welfare checks. These generally occur when people are unable to reach a family member or close friend and are concerned about the health & welfare of that person. A deputy will be dispatched to the address to see if contact can be made. If contact is made the deputy will conduct a brief informal investigation to determine the physical and/or mental health and well being of the person, without violating his or her privacy rights. Another type of request is from a parent to check on minor children in the permanent or temporary custody of the other parent. The Sheriff's Office will do a welfare check provided the parent making the request can provide specific reasons based on facts that the welfare of the minor children is in jeopardy.

There is no quota for the number of citations a deputy will issue. Deputies conduct traffic enforcement because so many lives are lost in speed-related or alcohol-related crashes. Aggressive traffic enforcement brings about compliance, helps educate the public, and reduces the death toll in Kansas. Every fatality crash in Jefferson County over the last several years has had a speed, alcohol, or inattention component (or a combination of these) as a contributing factor.

Speed kills...after 50mph, your chance of death or serious injury doubles with every 10mph increase in speed.

Impaired driving will affect one in three Americans in their lifetime. Nearly 42,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year and of those approximately 16,000 are alcohol related. On average alcohol-related crashes account for one death every 33 minutes and one injury every 2 minutes in the United States.

No, the Sheriff's Office sees no direct financial benefit from traffic citations. Traffic fines paid through the District Court are remitted to the state treasury and are distributed through a formula set by the Legislature.

  • 11.99% to the crime victim compensation fund
  • 2.45% to the crime victims assistance fund
  • 3.01% to community alcoholism & intoxication programs fund
  • 2.01% to the Department of Corrections alcohol & drug abuse treatment fund
  • 0.17% to the boating fee fund
  • 0.12% to the children's advocacy center fund
  • 2.50% to the EMS revolving fund
  • 2.50% to the trauma fund
  • 2.50% to the traffic records enhancement fund
  • The remainder goes to the State General Fund.

In addition to fines, the driver is responsible for paying state-mandated court costs, which are also set by the Legislature.

Additional Information
Executive Assistant Sharon Hoffman
Sheriff Jeffrey L. Herrig
Undersheriff Robert Chartier