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Honored to be Sheriff

Date Posted: 08/26/2020
Category: General

I am honored to serve as your Sheriff and to lead a team of dedicated  professional Deputies, Correctional Officers,  and Administrative Staff who work daily to protect and serve the place we call home.  We take great pride in serving our community where neighbors help neighbors, and where we rely on each other to up hold the principles of goodness and respect for others. 

We appreciate the support of our county residents and the efforts to assist the Sheriff's Office.   Community policing is key to helping the Sheriff's Office maintain safety and protection for all County residents.  The Sheriff's Office website provides an avenue for the public to submit information or tips to our Office via email to assist with these community policing efforts.   If you have a non-emergency concern or information you'd like to share, please submit it to us.

The website also serves as a 24/7 tool for our team to communicate to our residents.   We are committed to providing these tools to our community, to increase the transparency of our office.   If there is any information that you need that is not currently provided through our website, please let us know.

Again, I am honored to serve as your Sheriff and appreciate your support.

Sheriff Herrig